Article from Architects’ and Builders’ Magazine, Vol. X, October 1908 - September 1909

This building was erected by the Graniteville Manufacturing Company as a memorial to their late President, Mr. H. H. Hickman. It was designed by Macmurphy & Story and erected under the superintendence of Mr. Tracy I. Hickman, now President. The building is a recreation hall for the operatives and is entirely free. In purpose, design and equipment it compares favorably with the best Y. M. C. A. buildings of similar size.

The building is square in plan, 6o feet 8 inches on a side, with a basement extention 22x32 feet. Above the basement, which is practically at ground level, there are two upper stories and attic. The entrance is emphasized by a two-story colonial portico. In exterior construction the base is of brick, the upper walls of cement stucco, and the roof of Cortright metal shingles; simplicity and durability being the aim.

The interior arrangement is as follows: In the basement there is a large swimming pool, shower baths with hot and cold water, two bowling alleys and toilet rooms. On the floor above is situated the library containing over one thousand volumes, an office, amusement room for both sexes, large hall, waiting room and toilet rooms, with all necessary accessories. On the top floor is a gymnasium occupying the entire area. This room is fitted with all the latest and best appliances for exercise, dancing and social gatherings. The erection of the building cost $30,000. The heating is by hot water, the plant being furnished by the Pierce, Butler & Pierce Mfg. Co.